The most interesting event of the week has been the flooding of the Danube. It’s become a bit scary actually with the water rising, and rising, and rising….seems there is no end to it. The Margaret Island is closed of for public; all boats (restaurants, hotels and sightseeing boats) along the river are no longer accessible, but rather small islands themselves by now. The road we walked on the first evening of the flood was covered with water the next morning…. and so it has continued. It was such a special event that even fish went up to see what the heck was going on. Talk about a fish out of water…
But the flooding did give us a chance to inspect the backside of the parliament since the road had been closed for traffic. Hopefully it has now stopped but we’ll let you know how it ended. In the meanwhile you can watch the pictures and see for yourselves…
Ice Age 2 had premiere here on Wednesday and so we set out to see it on the weekend, bought tickets on Friday just to be sure. And Malin got to show Andreas some other parts of the city (since we had to go to a new place to catch the movie in English). After a very nice meal at Karma in West End the evening was long enough for a movie and then to bed we went. On Saturday Malin had her class as usual, and Andreas meet up with her at one pm, Destination: Gellert Hill. We walked up the hill, stopped for some brought along lunch half way up, and gazed at the amazing views of the city. When mostly going to and from work you don’t really get it how big the city is. Now we have a better clue. At the top stands a liberty statue tall and proud, and behind lies the Citadel, a defence building now holding a museum and different exhibitions. Unfortunately we did not carry enough cash to get in so we enjoyed our ice creams in the sun instead. Oh yeah, the weather was wonderful, warm and sunny enough to get the first shade of a tan.
On Sunday we did not have to execute our “in case of rain” plan (going to the Rudas thermal bath) but instead took a walk to the City Park where we got close and friendly with the Anonymous, (BTW. This statue features in a Vampire movie were there is a female vampire who puts flower at its feet for her former master/lover who also was a vampire. If anyone know which movie this is let me know.) saw the castle made from bits and pieces of Hungarian architecture and managed to get a bit lost.
We strolled around the amusement park, wondering if we would dare come back to go on some of the rides – it did not look as well kept as Liseberg but rather easterly European. After saying hello to the elephants at the zoo, we went to the Iguana for margaritas and yummy tortilla lunch. The city was packed because of some election meeting and we had a hard time finding our way down to the Danube since the city was blocked off by the police. We checked out the development of the flooding and then went up the castle hill to the old city. The sun was shining warmly and (God forbid) we actually thought it was too warm. And to make up for not being to be able to play in the simulator at the millennium park Andreas got to play with another aviator…Lucky for us we got too cool down watching Ice Age 2.
Well that was that week. Nothing more to say….
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