Malin is done woth her project at work and can now engage fully in the writing of her essay (and surf the web for cute future dog pictures),

while Andreas is preparing for the final presentation at work.
On Friday we went out to Ikea in the suburbs where Malin worked last year. Bought some easter eggs and made plans for the Prague trip with Romi, the girl we are hitching a ride with.
Saturday was spent on a blanket on Margaret Island, the sun was way stronger than expected and our backs still hurt last night from the burn. As cash is something we dont have lots of anymore there were no nice restaurant visits on Easter, but some yummi home cooking. And choclate pudding!
On Sunday we flip floped our way to the synagogue (the largest one in Europe) but it was closed, so we strolled around in the former gettho for a while. Mainly a renovated street with expensive designer’s shops. And some söröszö offcource (beerhouses for those not familiar with the term). After that we went up the Andrassy Avenue which is a world herritage and had some cakes at Müvesz, an over 100 years old café. Then we continued to the city park to eat our picknick.
A nice movie and popcorn entertained us during the afternoon. Insider was what we saw and it was great.
On Sunday we had passae a wine festival in the city and on Monday after Andreas had been to work we went there to test some wine. It was in the open air without fences and age control (imagine that in Sweden) and we started by bying some „nature candy” which looked much better than it tasted, it all tasted the same. Then we tried 3 different types of wine.... Some good and some better. After that we headed home to have some easter supper.
Now it’s already Wednesday (about 20 degrees celcius and sunny) and only 2 weeks and 2 days before we go home. Can’t believe the time has passed so quickly. But it will be nice to get back home again. It is very nice to be here as well but as the sying goes „there’s no place like home”....
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