(The following presentation is brought to you by Malin...In blurred vision when drunk...)
Spring came and went...and the snow keeps on falling. Which did not stop us from bathing in the beautiful Széchenyi bath in the city park on Sunday. The water was hot and the air cold, the place was filled with mist and the wonderful smell of sulphur. The healing thermal water springs from natural underground wells. It’s filled with goodies for body and soul but, as said before, smells pretty nasty...
Unfortunately it’s not allowed to take photos in the bath. After that we went to Liszt Ferenc tér (at Oktogon) for a bite to eat and some delicious deserts. After a quick stop at an internet café to check the situation on the Iron Maiden concert in November (in Gothenburg) we headed home exhausted and happy.
However, as nice as the week ended it did not start as good. Mondays are always dull as was this one. Nothing in particular happened to cheer it up. Work, work, work.... On Tuesday we took a long evening walk to check out the Friday night eating place, Sir Lancelot. Saw plenty of interesting restaurants to keep us well feed the rest of the stay. We also had time to stop for some sightseeing, eg the Western Station’s (built with the same steel as the Eiffel tower) McDonald’s [Going sightseeing to se a McDonalds... Now how do you like that?! (Andreas) ] which is beautiful (and has good coffee as my mom will agree on).
Friday we met up for lunch outside the big market hall where we were last week and did some grocery shopping. After that we went home and relaxed in bed reading our books and waited for time to pass until our 7 o’clock reservation at Sir Lancelot. The restaurant is located downstairs
in a cellar decorated with armour, swords, axes and shields, all to enhance the medieval feeling.

We ordered ourselves two different Knight’s meals and some beer and had a look around in the small but cosy cellar. As our drinks arrived our table companions did as well. What do you know, the only other Swedes in the restaurant and they are places at our table. Coincidence......? The platters of food carried by our table were huge and looked delicious and many of them had to be carried by two waiters!! We got our soup, served in a loaf of bread, accompanied by the mandatory Palincka spirit and some salty bread. The main course followed and was just as delicious as it looked (off course we had to eat with our hands, using just a knife to cut the meat) and after that desert and some sweet Tokaj wine.

They must have served very strong beer, because, as you can see, once again, Andreas fell asleep...:) After being forced to model in the high chair, with crown on my head and cross in hand, for a photo we headed home sure of that we would come back again.

On Saturday, as usual, I (Malin) went to my Hungarian course (where we still have not learned to say I or me!!!) and afterward we meet up to go to Ikea (hurray) for some meatballs, lingonsylt and shopping. There are 2 Ikea stores in Budapest, one in the suburbs (where I worked last year) and one closer to the city, where we went this day. As we strolled along the marketplace Andreas got more and more frustrated with my shopping need and had to stop me several times from putting things in the cart. [And it’s actaully quite amazing... everything is the same as in Sweden.. even the stress (Andreas)] In the end I still got away with a milk foaming whippery thingy and a coffee maker, some fabric to cover the extremely ugly roof in the toilet room and a shower curtain to replace the (mouldy) one left by the flat owner. Pooped, we cooked us some dinner and watched a movie before dreaming away into the night.
As the Sunday activities are put down in writing on top of the page I have nothing more to say than Have a wonderful week and enjoy life! (I know I will when Andreas leaves me alone to go to some Sci-Fi Convention back in Gothenburg, needless to say I will make my best in experiencing the night life with a girl friend).
Short movie of the interior of Sir Lancelot coming shortly...
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