1) Nearly all dogs are overweight... which i find kinda funny since looking at the amount of dog poo on the streets there should be nothing left but skin'n'bone on these poor pooches..
2) All birds in Budapest are Italian... Why else would the old ladies be feeding them dry pasta!?
3) It is not suprising that some of the shots from the film Underworld are filmed in Budapest when you look at some of these buildings.
4) The paralament is HUGE! not to mention really, really cool!
5) A lot of the buildings are really heavly ornated and beautiful at the top and roof tops.. too bad you miss most of it since you are too busy watching out for that darn poo!!
6) Parking can be found everywere.. right on every corner.. literally!

Anyway... Tonight me and Malin are going to a really special resturant... Sir Lancelot! Where the waitresess show their stomachs..!! (well.. atleast according to malin)
We walked past it before on one of our walks through the city.
Anyway.. take a look at their menue! Looks really good... needless to say i'll be bringing my camera out for this one!
See ya soon...
Damn... we need more "themed" restaurants in sweden.... cant wait for the review and pictures from when you dine at Darkness...
Dude you've got no idea the plotting and scheaming i've been doing this weekend.. all i need is a million crowns or so and i'd be in buisness!!
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